Susan Patterson
Average American Consumes 69 lbs of High Fructose Corn Syrup a...
Sometimes you just can't avoid a sucker punch. CNN reporter Nestor Dib couldn't when he covered anti-government protests in Argentina last fall. It came...
3 Extra Pounds of Excess Belly Fat Triples Your Diabetes Risk
If the headline-grabbing news that "overweight people live longer" inspired you to skip your daily stroll or reach back into that bag of sour-cream-and-chives...
5 Little-known Powers of Veggies
Lisa Simpson tried to convert the cartoon world's most dedicated carnivores - Homer and Bart - by declaring: "Good news, everyone! You don't have...
Less Invasive Ways to Determine Appendicitis
Knowing that you have appendicitis can be tricky; the initial discomfort mimics many other ailments, from stomach cramps to the flu. But if it...
15 Ways to Add More Vegetables to Your Plate Each Week
Vegetables, from deep green leaves to round, pungent bulbs, are at the core of a plant-powered diet. That’s because they are full of powerful...
Healthy Love Making Starts in the Gums
You can buy a set of Austin Powers misshapen teeth for $9, but considering what they tell you about that Mike Myers character, you...
Do You Have Fibromyalgia and Not Know It?
Michael Hastings may not be a name that's on the tip of your tongue (he had a small recurring part on "The West Wing"...
Parents: Inspire Safe Drivers, Not a Teenage Wasteland
When The Who performed "Baba O'Riley" during Madison Square Garden's Sandy Relief concert, at least Pete Townshend looked his age. But when Roger Daltrey...
How Much Liquid Should I Drink Each Day?
LeBron James sweats it out with the Heat - and drinks a gallon of water a day during the playoffs to make sure he's...
How to Get More Intimate, More Naturally
A record was set at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. More than 150,000 condoms were given to athletes (50,000 more than in Beijing).