Susan Patterson

Susan Patterson
Susan is a Certifed Health Coach, Master Gardener and sustainability expert who has authored over twenty top selling books on healthy living, clean eating, gardening and natural wellness. She has taught thousands of people how to shop, cook and eat healthily and live well. When she is not coaching others, writing or speaking, Susan can be found hiking, kayaking and enjoying time in her garden.

This Charcoal Can Whiten Your Teeth And More

When you visualize charcoal, you probably automatically think of family barbecues and campfires. It's well known that cooking with charcoal can be problematic for...

How To Live A Minimalistic Life With Kids

I hate clutter of any kind. Before I had children, it was pretty simple to keep my house in order and practice my passion...

Panera Bread Uncovered: What Not To Eat

I have to admit, when I first stepped into a Panera Bread I was sucked into the ambiance. Its inviting couches, fireplace, cool lines,...

How Coconut Oil Is Helping To Heal My Thyroid

I have people tell me all the time, "I can't seem to lose weight no matter how much I exercise, I feel tired and...

Why You Should Stop Using Windex

I love a clean house and windows are one of my pet peeves. My kids will tell you — I like my windows sparkling...

Why You Should NEVER Order Ice At Restaurants (Or Use At...

If you are like me, you are really choosy about the places you eat when you leave your home. There are few and far...

Is Your Fireplace Giving You Lung Cancer?

There is nothing more soothing or romantic than the soft glow, rich aroma and pop and crackle of a real wood fire. I have...

Live Life Simply… Do You?

Everyone has heard the phrase, seen the wooden signs and perhaps even read a book (or ten) on what simple living is all about....

I Invited Two Homeless People To Thanksgiving Dinner (Here’s What Happened)

As of January 2015 there were more than 564,708 people reported homeless on any given night in the United States. What this means is...

Coconut Oil In Your Morning Coffee? Absolutely

Coconut oil has been gaining a lot of popularity in the fast growing community of health conscious people. People in Asia and the Pacific...