9 Dangerous Toxic Chemicals Present in Landfills

9 Dangerous Toxic Chemicals Present in Landfills

You might not think a whole lot about your trash after the garbage company picks it up every week. However, many chemicals found in your local landfill do not simply disappear once the trash truck leaves your trash. In fact, numerous chemicals are extremely toxic and remain for decades, if not centuries.

9 Dangerous Toxic Chemicals Present in LandfillsArsenic – Arsenic is present in many pesticides and is also used for rat poison. It is also linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, skin damage, respiratory problems, reproductive conditions and birth defects.

Cadmium – Cadmium affects the central nervous system. It is extremely dangerous for developing embryos. It also causes cancer, kidney damage and breathing problems.

Chromium – Chromium has been linked to genetic mutations. It also causes cancer, vision problems, respiratory conditions and skin allergies.

Lead – Lead is well-known for causing central nervous system problems and has been linked to mental retardation. Additionally, it negatively impacts physical development and growth in children. It has also been linked to reproductive problems, brain damage and kidney damage.

Mercury – Mercury negatively impacts the cardiovascular system. It also causes central nervous system problems, visual damage and kidney damage. It has also been linked to increased cancer risk.

Nickel – Nickel is a substance that is known to be highly allergic. It also causes skin and eye irritation and breathing problems. It has been linked to increased risk for cancer, kidney and liver damage.

Benzene – Benzene is an extremely toxic chemical. It is highly carcinogenic, causes genetic mutations and central nervous system damage. Additionally, Benzene has been linked with damage to the peripheral nervous system, blood cell disorders, gastrointestinal conditions and immune system changes. It can also cause skin and eye irritation.

Chloroform – Chloroform is linked to cancer, liver and kidney damage. It also causes gastrointestinal damage and central nervous system damage.

Ethylbenzene – Ethylbenzene damages the liver and kidneys. It also causes damage to the central nervous system and respiratory system.

These are only a few of the toxic chemicals present in most landfills. Many of these chemicals are due to pesticides and other chemicals being placed in the landfill. However, many commonly discarded also contain highly toxic substances.

For example, most electronics contain substantial amounts of many dangerous chemicals. Additionally, many forms of plastic are not recyclable and break down into dangerous chemicals.

Landfills not only contaminate the soil immediately adjacent to the landfill the chemicals can also seep into the water table and leach into the air. They may last for decades to come and impact your children, grandchildren and numerous generations to come.

Does your local landfill have specific directions on how to dispose of your trash like paint, engine oils or computer equipment?

– The Alternative Daily

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