The 9 Best Kitchen Oils For Moisturizing Your Face

Tips for using kitchen oils on your face

Here are some useful lessons I’ve learned along the way, so you can get great looking skin fast.

Use the oil cleansing method, where you massage your face with the oil or oil blend of your choice, then apply a warm washcloth to open the pores and remove dirt and impurities. This works as a makeup remover, cleanser and moisturizer in one.

If you don’t have time for oil cleansing, simply apply your favorite oil before or after the shower and you’ll emerge with purified, hydrated skin.

And finally, be sure to use any treatment you do on your face, on your neck too. This can help prevent a sagging neck.

For more natural beauty ideas, read 7 Essential Oils To Beat Puffy Eyes.

Learn More: Free book reveals why coconut oil is “Mother Nature’s” #1 healing superfood! =>

— Liivi Hess

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