7 Non-Dairy Ways to Get More Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important nutritional building blocks in our body. This mineral helps to maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth, and also aids in vascular contraction and muscle function, among other essential functions.

While milk is the most common sources of calcium, many people have an intolerance to dairy, are vegan, or just don’t like the taste of milk. Fortunately, it’s not the only way to get the 1,000 mg per day that’s recommended for adults between the ages of 19 and 50.


Kale has become one of the most popular superfoods in recent years, but if you needed yet another incentive to eat your greens, just one cup of raw kale is packed with 90 mg of calcium, which means a 3.5-cup kale salad offers more of this bone-building mineral than an 8-ounce glass of milk.


Sardines are considered one of the healthiest types of fish to eat. Not only do they offer lots of heart-healthy omega-3s and vitamin D, they also contain 321 mg of calcium in about seven fillets.

Black-eyed peas

Black-eyed peas aren’t just a popular band: these legumes contain 185 mg of calcium in just a one-half cup, as well as being packed with potassium and folate.

Sesame seeds

Just one ounce of sesame seeds contains 280 mg of calcium – almost as much as one cup of milk. They can also help reduce blood pressure and inflammation, and may even aid in battling against certain cancers.


Seaweed is an amazing nutrient-rich superfood, filled with vitamin B12, folate, iodine and magnesium. It also packs 168 milligrams of calcium in each 100 gram serving.


calciumAlmonds are one of the world’s most nutritionally dense nuts, loaded with incredible amounts of nutrients per calorie and ounce. Just a one ounce serving offers 80 mg of calcium. Almonds are also known to help regulate blood sugar levels, promote weight loss and cut cholesterol.

Turnip greens

A one-cup cooked serving of these leafy greens, which come from turnip bulbs, is filled with 197 mg of calcium. Turnip greens also contain folate and healthy antioxidants.

It’s easy to see that consuming dairy-based calcium sources aren’t the only answer to maintaining strong teeth and bones, as well as an overall healthy body.

-The Alternative Daily



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