5 Ways To Get More Energy Now!

5 Ways To Get More Energy Now!

Do you feel less than energetic on a daily basis? Are you waking up un-refreshed and going through your day lethargically? Do you try everything to stay up and fight off the “brain-fog”? If you do, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans are constantly fighting a battle to feel more energetic and potent. It’s almost as if we are all facing the same mystery, and nobody knows how to solve it.

This particular “energy-crisis” is very lucrative, evidenced by how we all partake in beverages, powders, pills and anything we can get our hands on that promises us the boundless energy we used to feel in our younger days. Lately it seems that the energy drain has been hitting us at an even younger age, with reports on kids and teens using pills and drinks just to stay awake in class. The time has come to stop throwing money at short term fixes, like energy drinks, and to zap this problem at its root. Try using the following tips yourself, recommend them to family, or print out a copy for your co-worker that you see napping at the computer everyday after lunch.

 1. Have a glass of water in the morning.

Put that coffee down! That’s right, water should be the first beverage you consume in the morning. I’m not going to try and tell you something crazy like abstain from coffee, but your first drink should be water. If you are already getting a thirst signal from your brain, adding a diuretic first thing will only compound your energy drain. Your cells need water to metabolize energy, give it to them!

2. Go jump on some beds!

Take a trip to a mattress store and take a couple test drives. Fact is you might not be getting the same sleep you used to if you haven’t updated your mattress in quite a while. Our mattresses sag and lose support over time, and our specific comfort needs evolve also. Go and see if you feel better laying down on a new bed, or maybe even a new pillow.

3. Start sleeping in total darkness and silence.

Whether you realize it or not, when you have stimuli going on through the night you can’t fully rest. It may take a little getting used to, but if you are a chronic T.V. sleeper, you will notice the results after a very short time. A more restful night is just one click away, when you shut off your lights and T.V. If the change is too drastic, try getting a white noise machine with a timer or playing a sleep cd, or using a red night light to ease the transition.

4. Read a book

Most people have trouble getting to sleep at night, which is a major cause of energy drain. By reading in bed, you allow your mind to shift gears from being “on” and focused on work, life, and bills to a more mellow and relaxed state. Also, the bright colors and light of T.V. are very stimulating to the brain and put your mind in an energized state even when your body is tired.

5. Get motivated!

Think back to the last time you were fully engaged in a project, falling in love, or otherwise energized by something you were truly involved in. Those were times of boundless energy and presence towards your goal. If you spend your days without any motivation for what you’re doing, your body isn’t going to be motivated either. See if you can add some excitement, or new stimulation to your situation to bring about that internal motivational energy! Try something like setting fitness goals to get you motivated and energized to get through the day and your workouts.

You can have all the energy you could ever need or want is right within your reach. All you need to do is make sure you are getting the recharge your body needs and to avoid external sources of “energy”. Taking control of your life is the best way to ensure you have all the energy for your work, your play, and your life. Love what you do and your body will be excited to be energized for you! Again, take caution with energy supplements, they give “energy with interest”. The only real source of energy is food, and rest, these external sources often stimulate your adrenals which in turn put your body under stress and cause the all too familiar “crash”. Get back on track to get your energy through the roof!


6. Exercise

Exercise increases your metabolism, which is essentially where your energy comes from. Try exercising daily to increase your overall energy levels. If you are feeling tired after a meal or just need a boost, try a moving around a bit wherever you are to get that quick boost you need!

– John Garda

John Garda is a Holistic Health Coach working out of NY and Miami. He has been able to help his clients overcome their challenges, and now has a practice that focuses on helping busy individuals lower their stress, lose weight, achieve wellness, and love who they see in the mirror.

Visit John’s website at http://www.ironmountainwellness.com

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