5 Ways to Sneak in Exercise When You Have House Guests

For the avid exerciser, there is no such thing as “finding the time” to exercise, since workouts are as given as eating and breathing. These individuals always make the time to get their calorie-burning sessions in (even if it is while the rest of the world is sleeping).

The holidays, however, can pose a problem. When family and friends are spending a night (or more), that beloved gym time is often infringed upon. And when grandma and grandpa travel miles to be with you, it’s hard to justify a training session over a family meal.

Yet as any fitness fanatic can attest, missed workouts often lead to mood swings and irritability and can quickly turn your holidays into a nightmare.

This year, don’t fret about juggling holiday guests with workout sessions. Try these five ways to sneak your workout in around your family time.

1. Get Up and At Em’ Early

Even if you are never up before the sun, this may be the time to give an AM workout a try. The last thing you want to do is miss out on family traditions. So instead of having to rush through “Breakfast with Santa” or come late to a present-wrapping party, get that workout in first thing.

Not only will it be off your mind for the rest of the day, leaving you free to enjoy family activities, but you may find that an AM workout puts more pep in your step.

2. Go Short and Sweet

Sometimes you have to work with what you’ve got. If 20 or 30 minutes is all you have, make the best of them with a high-intensity interval workout. Research has shown that interval workouts performed at high intensity can be even more effective at building endurance and promoting fitness gains than longer lower-intensity workouts.

So get your heart rate up during a shorter session while your guests are in town. Chances are you won’t be missed for 30 minutes and you may even see some muscle gains!

3. Turn Your House into Your Personal Gym

If traveling to the gym is going to take away from family time, use what you’ve got at your disposal. A series of body-weight exercises can be a fast and efficient way to torch some holiday calories while keeping you close at hand. Try walking lunges, dips, planks and squats for strength, and jumping jacks or burpees for a cardio boost.

4. Disguise Your Exercise

Sneak in a calorie-busting session while winning brownie points for all your help around the house by disguising your workout with chores. Offer to take the dog for a power walk, jog up and down the stairs with a few loads of presents or move the furniture around to accommodate for extra people and you’ll be torching calories left and right. Even a good vacuuming session burns around 240 calories per hour!

5. Get Everyone Involved

While it’s true that the holidays are about special foods and treats, there’s no reason why you can’t start your own tradition. Get everyone outdoors for a good ice-skating or sledding session.

dog walkGo for a brisk walk together after the meal to see the holiday lights, or give back to charity by signing up for a local 5K walk or run that benefits a cause. In this day and age, an exercise-related tradition will not only benefit your loved ones, but generations to come as well.

-The Alternative Daily


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