5 Essential Food Items to Store for Emergency

You don’t have to be serious”prepper” to value the art of planning ahead. Whether you are planning for an economic crash, a foreign invasion, a civil uprising or a really tough winter storm, planning is good. Part of planning involves thinking about how you are going to feed yourself and your family if food becomes scarce or you can’t leave your home.

Although we live in a land of plenty – the reality is, something could happen and we need to be prepared. If planning is something new to you, start with a 3-day supply of food. You can grow your supply a little each month if you desire more security. Designating a small space in your home such as a closet, for storing some food is a good idea no matter how invisible you may feel. Here are five food items that we uncovered that will keep for a very, very long time.

Raw Honey

Honey will not go bad. It has been found in a tomb in Egypt and estimated to have been there for 3000 years and was still edible. Color and consistency may change with temperature changes but the value of the honey remains the same. Honey is not just for eating. It has been used for centuries to treat countless ailments. Hippocrates himself wrote of the “liquid gold” and its medicinal effects.

Raw Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds can last indefinitely when packaged. Find your favorites and keep an ample supply of each on hand. Nuts and seeds offer an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber and provide a valuable source of energy.

Nuts are a nutritious part of any snack or meal. They are high in protein, and high in heart-healthy fats and fiber. In addition, raw nuts have essential nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc, sterols and antioxidants.
There are many kinds of nuts and each has its own health-promoting properties. For instance, Brazil nuts provide high quantities of selenium and almonds are an excellent source of calcium.

Walnuts are a super rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that just one small handful of nuts provides protection against heart disease that is similar to cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Hemp seeds are considered a superfood as a nutritional powerhouse. They’re balanced perfectly with a 3-to-1 oil ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 and are also a good source of stearidonic acid and gamma linoleic acid. Pumpkin seeds are high in carotenoids, an antioxidant that boosts immune activity and increases the body’s ability to fight disease.

They’re high in omega-3s and contain zinc which helps to battle inflammation. Pumpkin seeds even contain a high level of phytosterols which serve to stabilize cholesterol levels and offer an enhanced immune response.

Whole Food or Raw Protein Bars

While we don’t recommend packaged food for the most part, high quality raw or whole food protein bars are easy to store and provide a good source of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat.

Most are packed with organic whole foods including nuts, sprouts, fruits and vegetables and also may contain live probiotics and a good source of fiber. Look for bars that are non-GMO and contain no fillers, colorings or artificial ingredients.

Organic Jerky

Packaged organic jerky such as bison, salmon or grass fed beef or turkey will keep for a very long time. Buy from a reputable dealer or make your own. Jerky is dried, removing most of the moisture where bacteria likes to grow and also includes some salt which adds more preservation.

The high protein content and its longevity make it a popular choice amongst survivalists. The best way to store jerky is in its original vacuum sealed packaging in a cool and dark place. You can also freeze for longer shelf life.


Beans are a perfect addition to your food storage pantry. They are high in protein and fiber, and if sealed in a food-grade bucket along with a little dried ice they will keep for up to ten years. Another great thing about beans is that they are fairly inexpensive. Buy a few bags of red, black, pinto, lentils, etc. when you go to the store and stock up when they are on sale.

Other Emergency Foods to Consider

Here are a few more food ideas to add to your emergency food stash.

  • Sea salt
  • Coconut crystals
  • Coconut water
  • Filtered water
  • Coconut oil
  • Organic chicken broth (keep in freezer)
  • Dried figs or dates
  • Nut butters

-The Alternative Daily

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