45 Things To Do With Baking Soda

Oftentimes, the simplest things in life can be the most powerful. One example of this is baking soda. We don’t think much of that little box that sits in the pantry, but the stuff inside is potent and very versatile.

Baking soda is scientifically known as sodium bicarbonate. In nature, it is found as the mineral nahcolite, which exists in its pure form in the Green River Basin in Colorado.The main benefit of baking soda is that it neutralizes pH and helps keep things from becoming overly alkaline or overly acidic. This makes it great for a wide array of applications.

The following are 45 things you can do with baking soda… 45 of the many! Whenever you can, go with aluminum-free baking soda, especially when taking it internally.

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