4 Gifts Your Child Should Give this Year

For many children, as well as adults, the holidays are all about getting what we want. As parents, however, it’s important to teach our kids, and remind ourselves, that giving is better than receiving. Otherwise, they’re likely to grow up thinking this is the season of getting.

Consider encouraging your children to give at least one of these four gifts this year to help teach them about the real spirit of the holidays. Giving back can feel even better than opening those presents.

Donate rarely used toys

Ask your child to go through his or her toy collection – there’s bound to be quite a few that are tucked away in a corner, rarely used – and make a pile that can be donated to those who are less fortunate. Explain the process of donating, and how happy a child who isn’t as lucky would be to receive one. You might even remind them that clearing out older toys means there’ll be more room for the ones that Santa brings.


There are many different ways to volunteer, and a good number of options for volunteering with your child, such as signing up to help serve a meal at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Some organizations even ask volunteers to donate meal ingredients and prepare the meal, which provides a fun way for your child to get involved by picking out one of their own favorite recipes to make and serve to those who are hungry.

Sponsor a family

giftIn most communities, there are giving trees, often at churches or shopping malls, where you can pick a tag off the tree and buy a gift that someone less fortunate has requested. If you can’t find anything in your local area, The Box Project can help match you with a family in need.

Give homemade gifts to your local town’s heroes

Think about all the people who work so hard in your community to make it a better place to live, such as teachers and firefighters, and talk to your child about making a homemade gift to thank them. It can be something as simple as a handmade card, or a plate of homemade cookies. Although it’s a small gesture, it’s sure to not only bring smiles to the faces of the recipients, but instill an important message in your child about giving thanks.

-The Alternative Daily


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