3 Reasons to Put Mayonnaise in Your Hair and Blue Cheese on Your Muscles

We talk a lot about the value ingesting whole organic foods, but it is also important to mind what you put on the outside of your body, as well. The skin is the largest and fastest growing organ, and of course, whatever you put on it – it will eat! Knowing this, it is prudent for us to think carefully about any, ointments, rubs or other personal care products that we use to look and feel our  best.

One alternative to commercial products is to employ whole organic foods; the same foods we eat can be equally as effective when placed on the skin.

Here are 3 reasons to consider using whole foods for both beauty and health.

#1 Whole organic foods are chemical-free

One really great reason to consider the use of whole foods for health and beauty is that they are 100 percent clean and natural. Whole organic foods are not put through rigorous processing, and don’t contain additives, pesticides or GMOs.

Fact: Over 400 personal care products sold in our country contain dangerous chemicals that other countries do not allow.

According to a survey conducted by the Environmental Working Group, 25 percent of women use more than 15 products each day that contain over 126 different ingredients, with as many as one in five being carcinogenic.

#2 Whole organic foods are full of nutrients

Whole organic foods are teeming with nutrients, many with powerful medicinal properties.

Keep in mind, the actual potency a number of personal care and health products is found in nature. However, since it is impossible to patent whole foods, corporations extract their goodness and commingle it with other synthetic ingredients, with the end result being a patentable and marketable product.

When the potent properties found in whole foods are extracted from the whole, what is left is something subpar. Using whole foods, not extractions, to boost health allows all the goodness from the food to work in synergy to repair, restore and revitalize. Whole foods are in a form that our body knows how to use – they speak the same language as our cells and feed our bodies whether we eat them with our mouth or through our skin.

#3 Whole foods are inexpensive and simple

As if being chemical free and full of nutrients were not enough, whole foods are also a lot less expensive and simpler than commercial products. The more ingredients that a product contains, the more complicated it is and the more likely it is that there will be side effects from its use, either short or long term.

The next time you need to condition your hair or treat a sore muscle and have a prodcut in hand , ask yourself this – “Would I eat this for dinner?” If the answer is no, you probably don’t want to use it externally, either. Here are a couple of great whole food options to consider instead.

Roquefort blue cheese for muscle pain

Do you ever get those nagging muscle pains after a long workout or just too much time spent on your feet? Even things that we do every day, like bending over to pick something up or climbing a flight of stairs, can result in muscle strain and pain.

What would you say if we told you that something you may put on your grass-fed burger or in your salad could be effective at reducing inflammation and pain?

Blue CheeseWe are talking about one of the stinkiest French cheeses around, Roquefort blue cheese, which is made from sheep’s milk. Scientists have discovered that this aged, aromatic cheese is good for more than flavoring your meals – it actually contains anti-inflammatory properties that can significantly ease muscle pain in as little as twenty minutes. Dr. Oz has even highlighted this cheese on his website as a one of the top nine home remedies.

Doctors at a Cambridge-based biotech company have developed a technology which helps them identify anti-inflammatory factors in foods. According to team leaders, the potent properties in well-ripened Roquefort could be extracted and used in anti-aging and beauty creams, and other pharmaceutical applications because of it ability to reduce inflammation.

The next time you have muscle pain, simply rub a small amount of blue cheese on the affected area, and after twenty minutes, wipe it away.

Key to beautiful hair

How do you think of your hair? Do you think of it as living or dead? Many people will freely put almost anything on their hair because they think it is dead and nothing will harm it, including coloring agents, shampoos, conditioners, straightening oils and sprays. After all, you may suppose, your hair does not bleed or hurt when it is cut right?

However, the thought that your hair is actually dead is really only half true. Although your locks on the outside of your scalp are psychologically dead, containing no blood, muscles or nerves, your scalp and the hair root are alive and sensitive to everything you put on it.

One of the most life-giving foods you can treat your hair with is mayonnaise. Real mayonnaise, made from organic eggs and lemon juice (without any fillers), is an excellent way to restore vitality, bounce and shine to damaged hair. It does so by feeding the hair root and scalp.

This inexpensive, yet effective, whole food hair treatment helps to deep condition your mane and strengthen hair follicles. All of the nutrients in eggs, including a healthy dose of protein, selenium, iodine, phosphorus, choline, lutein, molybdenum, phosphorus, vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, E, D and K, help make mayonnaise a powerful home remedy for overworked hair.

In addition to eggs, mayonnaise contains lemon juice, another nutrient-packed food. Besides large amounts of vitamin C, lemons also contain riboflavin, thiamin, iron, magnesium, pantothenic acid, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, calcium and folate.

mayoMayonnaise home hair treatment

  • Purchase some organic mayonnaise or make your own.
  • Dampen your hair with warm water.
  • Rub mayonnaise through your hair like conditioner (be sure to cover all ends).
  • Wrap your hair with a shower cap.
  • Let the treatment set for at least twenty minutes.
  • Wash the mayonnaise out with warm water.
  • Wash your hair with an organic shampoo and conditioner.
  • Repeat once a month.

While these whole food remedies may seem a little over the top, we should never underestimate their power or therapeutic value.

A great man once said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  -Hippocrates

– The Alternative Daily

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