10 Signs That Your Body Needs a Cleanse Now!

10 Signs That Your Body Needs a Cleanse Now

Spring is here! It’s that time when you can open the windows letting the crisp fresh air float in replacing the stale air from winter. It’s when everything is anew; nature is sprouting new growth everywhere you look with flowers emerging from the ground and the creation of new life.

We often take this time to clean our environments. Come this time of year we feel compelled to deep clean our houses, clear out clutter, and even create new spaces. We also deep clean other valued possessions like our cars, boats, RV’s, etc. to keep them running smoothly so that we can get the longest life from them.

But there is one thing we tragically forget to clean AND it’s the one thing we should think about cleaning first, your most valuable possession…your body!

Just as your house accumulates dust, grime, and build up…so does the inside of your body. Your cells, liver, colon, skin, brain, and fat reserves all carry a huge amount of toxins burdening the body keeping it from running smoothly.

We all have toxins floating around in our bodies. Everything from our food & water supply, the air we breathe, the products we put on our skin, lifestyle choices, and the amount of stress in our lives contribute every minute of every day to how many toxins are floating around in our bodies.

It’s these toxins that almost solely determine how we feel, if we will get sick, for how long, if we are overweight, even how we look effecting our skin, hair, nails, even the whites of the eye!

Cleansing and detoxifying the body has been practiced for thousands of years. As documented in the Bible, Koran, Chinese Medicine, and even as far back as 5,000 b.c. in the practice of ancient Ayurvedic Medicine. Cultures have been using detoxification as a way to cleanse so we can connect with our true selves.

In today’s world, cleansing is necessary just to live and survive. With the food industry using over 800 million pounds of pesticides per year not including the fungicides, larvacides, herbacides and other chemicals they use to grow our food. We as individuals use over 70 million pounds of chemicals per year inside our homes.

Your body is designed to handle a small amount of toxicity and is really quite efficient at neutralizing and removing them. But the amount of toxins we are exposed to every day keeps increasing significantly, way beyond what our bodies internal cleaning system were designed to handle.

Here are 10 signs that your body needs a good internal cleansing.

1. You are overweight 
2. You feel tired and fatigued often 
3. You get frequent headaches 
4. Constant food cravings
5. Your allergies are not getting better 
6. You have a chronic illness
7. You have digestive problems 
8. Your tongue is coated with white mucous 
9. You have mood swings 
10. Skin problems 

Cleansing your body and detoxifying regularly decreases the amount of toxins in your body making everything run just as it was designed to keeping you healthy and strong on the inside and glowing with radiance on the outside.

Spring is the most optimal time for us to conduct an internal cleanse and should be repeated at the start of each new season. I start my new cleanse on April 1st. If you would like a recommendation on cleanses to detoxify your body I only use this one, click here. Happy spring cleansing!

– Angela Garrison

As a Health and Wellness expert, Angela is helping people unleash their super-power ability to prevent their bodies from getting sick in the future.  Angela is also a Children’s Health Advocate and founder of the popular Change Your Food Change Your Future program, proving of all the things we control and make decisions about every single day…. there is one that you absolutely must get right.

Visit Angela’s site at http://changeyourfoodchangeyourfuture.com/


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