Ask almost anyone what it takes to lose a few pounds, and they’ll inevitably tell you, “Just exercise and eat right!” Then they’ll probably go on to say, “As long as you burn more calories than you consume, you’re golden,” or, “Get off your butt and just hit the gym!”
Turns out, there are in fact many other things we could be overlooking when those pounds just don’t seem to be willing to budge. It’s just not quite as simple as the conventional wisdom would have you believe.
There are other triggers in the body we can harness for weight loss, such as sleep, emotions, sense of smell, toxic chemicals on our bodies and in our homes, stress and more. If you’re having trouble losing weight, think beyond just diet and exercise, and consider adjusting the following factors.
If this sounds overwhelming, don’t worry, we’ve broken down the details in this article, so you can finally leave the weight behind for good.
1. Not getting enough sleep
If your motto is “sleep when you’re dead,” you might find yourself wearing a few extra pounds. Scientists report that less sleep leads to inflammation and obesity. So instead of staying up late or getting up at the crack of dawn to force yourself to go to the gym, that extra hour of rest may actually do more for weight loss!
2. Not expressing yourself
Weight loss isn’t just about the body, it’s controlled by the mind too. Holding in frustration or anger, harboring resentment or not expressing emotions can lead to stress and inflammation in the body and, ultimately, excess bodyweight.
You may find making the space for honest communication, whether it’s with loved ones or a professional support person, will (literally) take a weight off your shoulders.
3. Drinking too much coffee
Coffee doesn’t give you energy directly — it actually triggers the adrenal glands to produce more hormones to keep you alert. While this can be useful when that extra boost is needed, using too much caffeine leads to an exhaustion of this system, referred to as adrenal fatigue.
A hormonally depleted body is more likely to hold on to weight, so keep the cups of coffee to a minimum, and give your body a break now and then.
4. Not breathing properly
When we are concentrating or stressed out during everyday tasks, it’s common to hold the breath or clench your jaw without even noticing. The problem is, this sends a stress signal throughout the body and keeps the hormonal system in “fight or flight” mode.
Make a point of taking several deep breaths to calm your system a few times a day and the pounds will melt off faster.
5. Not sitting up straight
Slouching and hunching literally puts kinks in the organs of the body, leading to poor digestion and circulation. Make an effort to strengthen your core and improve your posture, and you’ll not only look slimmer but potentially lose some weight too.
6. Eating too much “healthy” food
So-called “healthy” foods like granola, yogurt, sports drinks or juices are actually laden with sugar. The same goes for “lighter” lunch options like wraps and sushi. All those sugars and carbohydrates will do nothing but stick to your waistline, so focus on upping proteins and good fats instead.
7. Working far from home
Your commute could be keeping you fat, in a few different ways. A 2013 study revealed that those with longer daily trips to work had a higher body mass index (BMI) not only because of the inactivity while commuting but also because of the perceived stress and inflexibility of the routine.
If you can’t reduce the commute time, try counteracting the inactivity and stress by biking part of the way to work, or taking time to decompress and move your body during lunch hour.
8. Chemicals in your home
Did you know your body protects you from toxins by sequestering them away into body fat deposits? This means all those chemicals that are being inhaled and absorbed from cleaning products and cosmetics could be ending up, literally, on your hips. The harmful ingredients also can affect hormone balance which also leads to excess weight.
Another culprit could be BPA which, amongst other negative effects, has been proven to reduce the motivation to exercise.
With all of these potential negative consequences, it’s important to try to detoxify your home. A natural home leads to a healthier body and the ability to release the extra weight.
9. Eating too fast
There’s a reason why Gandhi was said to have recommended chewing your food at least 20 times before swallowing. When you wolf down food, not only do you miss out on the enjoyment of the flavors and aromas, but your stomach and brain don’t have time to signal you when you’re full.
This also goes for multitasking while eating, since mindless eating leads to overeating. Instead, try taking a mindful breath between each bite. You can even silently thank or bless each bite as you’re bringing it toward your mouth. You’ll savor and appreciate your food more, and probably lose weight too.
10. Reaching for convenience meals
While many packaged meals may have words like “natural” or “diet” or “low-calorie” written on the front, they may have hidden ingredients that are keeping you fat. This especially goes for microwaveable meals which often come in tiny portion sizes but contain whopping amounts of sodium.
Researchers in Korea found that men who consumed more sodium had increased chances of obesity, with more than eight grams of sodium per day upping the risk by 60 percent.
Making fresh food is a little more work but with a little advance planning, it’s well worth the effort, and you’ll likely find the scale creeping downward.
Which of the above overlooked factors do you have in your life? Choose to take control and make the shift, and a healthier, lighter life will be waiting for you.
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— Liivi Hess